Children’s of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama, USA

About Children’s of Alabama

Children’s of Alabama is dedicated to the health needs of children throughout the state of Alabama


Ranked as one of the best pediatric medical centers in the nation, Children’s of Alabama holds a valuable position as the only medical center in Alabama dedicated solely to the care and treatment of children and is a Level 1 state designated trauma facility.

In 2008, the non-profit hospital sought a way to maximize energy savings in their new 14-story patient tower in the heart of Birmingham.

Emphasizing the need to be good stewards of financial donations, the hospital sought a partnership to find innovative solutions to drive maximum efficiency of operations, lower energy costs, reduce risk of failure, and provide guaranteed outcomes.


OpenBlue Central Utility Plant Program: The hospital looked to Johnson Controls to design, build, operate and maintain its new central utility plant (CUP) through a 25-year contract where Johnson Controls operates and holds all the risk for building systems.

Children’s of Alabama is an early adopter of OpenBlue Enterprise Manager.


  • By meeting or exceeding yearly performance guarantees, Johnson Controls has provided nearly $250,000 in annual savings.
  • Reduced the use of natural gas by 69%.
  • When complete, Children’s of Alabama expects this portion of the project to save $450,000 a year.

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